
Many publications on numerous topics have been supported and carried out by the FES Botswana over the years. Most publications supported by FES Botswana can be found in and ordered from the electronic library of FES Headquarters.

Furthermore, you may also contact the FES Office Botswana at any time if you have concrete enquiries. We will be pleased to help you and facilitate you with any information we can offer. 

Social protection in Botswana

Ntseane, Dolly; Solo, Kholisani

Social protection in Botswana

Socio-economic and legal perspectives
Gaborone, 2023

Download publication (830 KB, PDF-File)

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Employment creation potential in manufacturing, agriculture & tourism sectors and youth labour force skills audit

Employment creation potential in manufacturing, agriculture & tourism sectors and youth labour force skills audit

A Botswana case study
Gaborone, 2023

Download publication (3,3 MB PDF-File)

Challenges and needs of Botswana's urban informal sector

Helming, Sophia

Challenges and needs of Botswana's urban informal sector

An explorative analysis of roadside vending in Gaborone
Gaborone, 2023

Download publication (6,5 MB PDF-File)

Trade union country report

Trade union country report

Botswana 2018
Gaborone, 2019

Download publication (3,3 MB, PDF-File)

African media barometer

African media barometer

the first home grown analysis of the media landscape in Africa ; Botswana 2011
Windhoek;Bonn, 2011

Download publication (1,4 MB PDF-File)

Strategic implementation framework on gender and development, 2006 - 2010

Bonn, 2007

Download publication (1,1 MB, PDF-File)

Policy on education in Botswana

Policy on education in Botswana

Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

Download publication (120 KB, PDF-File)

Policy position paper on globalization 2007

Policy position paper on globalization 2007

Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

Download publication (1,1 MB, PDF-File)

Position paper on social security and social protection in Botswana 2007

Position paper on social security and social protection in Botswana 2007

Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

Download publication (2,2 MB, PDF-File)

Policy on health & occupational safe environment in Botswana

Policy on health & occupational safe environment in Botswana

Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

Download publication (1,7 MB, PDF-File)


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5261, Phuthadikoboway



(+267) 395 2441

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