
Many publications on numerous topics have been supported and carried out by the FES Botswana over the years. Most publications supported by FES Botswana can be found in and ordered from the electronic library of FES Headquarters.

Furthermore, you may also contact the FES Office Botswana at any time if you have concrete enquiries. We will be pleased to help you and facilitate you with any information we can offer. 

Deepening integration in SADC

Mwanawina, Inyambo

Deepening integration in SADC

Zambia's economic policies in line with SADC targets ; a study
Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Sobhee, Sanjeev K.

Deepening integration in SADC

Mauritius - achievement and coming challenges ; a study
Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Mashindano, Oswald; Rweyemamu, Dennis; Ngowi, Daniel

Deepening integration in SADC

Tanzania - torn between EAC and SACD ; a study
Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Zwizwai, Benson

Deepening integration in SADC

Zimbabwe - mission SADC macroeconomic targets : a study
Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Rakotonjatovo, Tatiana; Ramilioson, Eric N.

Deepening integration in SADC

Madagascar - challenges for the newcomer : a study
Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Deepening integration in SADC

macroeconomic policies and social impact ; a comparative analysis of 10 country studies and surveys of business and non-state actors ; a study
Gaborone;Bonn, 2007

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South Africa's international trade diplomacy

Draper, Peter; Alves, Philip; Kalaba, Mmatlou

South Africa's international trade diplomacy

implications for regioanl integration
Bonn, 2006

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Deepening integration in SADC

Sambo, Lourenço; Ubisse, Adriano

Deepening integration in SADC

rapid changes in Mozambique to meet SADC targets ; a study
Gaborone, 2006, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Chipeta, Chinyamata

Deepening integration in SADC

can Malawi meet the challenges? : A study
Gaborone, 2006, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Schade, Klaus; Matomola, Moureen

Deepening integration in SADC

Namibia on track to meet SADC targets ; a study
Gaborone, 2006, 2007

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