
Many publications on numerous topics have been supported and carried out by the FES Botswana over the years. Most publications supported by FES Botswana can be found in and ordered from the electronic library of FES Headquarters.

Furthermore, you may also contact the FES Office Botswana at any time if you have concrete enquiries. We will be pleased to help you and facilitate you with any information we can offer. 

Deepening integration in SADC

Tabengwa, Grace G.; Salkin, Jay

Deepening integration in SADC

Botswana - a benchmark for the region
Gaborone, 2006, 2007

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Deepening integration in SADC

Deepening integration in SADC

South Africa - SADC's economic engine ; a study
Gaborone, 2006, 2007

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Position paper on privatization in Botswana 2006

Position paper on privatization in Botswana 2006

Gaborone, 2006, 2007

Download publication (210 KB, PDF-File)

Mapping local democracy in Francistown, Gantsi and Lobatse

Maundeni, Zibani

Mapping local democracy in Francistown, Gantsi and Lobatse

Gaborone, 2005, 2007

Download publication (420 KB, PDF-File)

40 years of democracy in Botswana

40 years of democracy in Botswana

1965 - 2005
Gaborone, 2005, 2007

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Die Basarwa der Kalahari

Meinardus, Marc

Die Basarwa der Kalahari

(k)eine Zukunft für die Ureinwohner von Botswana?
Bonn, 2004

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Mapping local democracy in Gaborone City

Maundeni, Zibani

Mapping local democracy in Gaborone City

Gaborone, 2004, 2007

Download publication (290 KB, PDF-File)

Trade unions in Botswana

Trade unions in Botswana

country report 2003
Gaborone, 2004, 2007

Download publication (320 KB, PDF-File)

Economic policy in labor surplus economies - strategies for growth and job creation in Southern Africa

Economic policy in labor surplus economies - strategies for growth and job creation in Southern Africa

report on the proceedings of a Southern African conference, Gaborone, May 3 - 5, 2000
New, 2000

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Appropriate technology for small and medium enterprises in SADC countries

papers presented to the workshop of the SEPAC Working Group "Information, Technology and Technology Transfer", Kanye, 2-3 November 1998
Bonn, 2000

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